Brother Clifford in Prayer

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Discharged from hospital. No more visits to the cancer clinic. no more disrupted schedules. and *Praise The Lord* no more Cancer.
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On the road again and heading north.
Once again I am travelling the border of Northern Lappland and Finmark praying for God's Will to be done in Finland and Scandinavia.
The luggage compartment is loaded with second hand shoes and clothing for the prison inmates in Murmansk. A full size Hand weaving loom is also on board for someone in Russia. As usual I am carrying a load of Russian Gospels.
I am very tired at the moment as the intence heat in the bus is making sleeping very hard for me.
I will update as and when I can.
Friday 30th of July 2010 10:50:06 PM

Minua alkaa pikkuhiljaa huolestuttamaan se, kuinka asiat täällä sujuvat!!!
Kaikki menee vähän liiankin hyvin.
Posion reissu oli oikein hyvä, mutta uusi moottori ei pidä rinteiden kapuamisesta kovin paljoa. Vietin syntymäpäiväni aaton Venäjän rajavyöhykkeellä, mutta tie osoittautui sellaiseksi, että se vei vain metsään. Olin hyvin tietoinen venäläisten vahtitornien vartiointikameroista koko sen ajan kun olin siellä.
Timo ja ystävät järjestivät minulle loistavat syntymäpäiväjuhlat, joissa oli mukana kakut Venäjältä, Ruotsista ja Suomesta. He eivät laittaneet tulipalon pelossa kakkuihin kuitenkaan kynttilöitä.
Sain kasan lahjoja, sisältäen talvikäyttöisiä alusvaatteita ja Venäjän lipun.
Kuhmolaiset saivat minut tuntemaan itseni kovin tervetulleeksi.
Heidi palaa pian lomaltaan ja voi toivottavasti taas pian tulkata minua.
Tänään olen korjaillut asuintilani kaappeja ja illalla puhin vapaaseurakunnassa.
Sain tänään sähköpostia. Every Home Crusade painaa valtavan määrän kirjallisuutta Venäjälle vietäväksi. Saan ne noin kolmessa viikossa.
Muutes, tänään bussin yläkerrassa oli 45 astetta lämmintä. Sulan hitaasti.

Thursday 29th of July 2010 08:20:21 PM

I am getting a little concerned about the way things are going here!!!!
Everything is going far too well for my liking.
The trip from Posio was very good but the new engine does not like climbing steep hills very much. I spent the eve of my birthday in Russian territory, but it was a road that only led into the woods, I was very aware of the cameras on the Russian watchtowers all the time I was there.
Timo and friends gave me a great birthday party with birthday cakes from Russia, Sweden and Finland. They did not put candles on the cake because they were afraid the heat from them would burn the house down.
I received a load of birthday presents including winter underwear and a flag from Russia.
The people here in Kuhmo make me so welcome.
Heidi will be back from holiday soon and I hope will be translating for me again.
Today I have been repairing the cupboards in my living quarters and this evening I spoke at the Free Church.
Tomorrow it is bus repairs.
I have received an email today. Every Home Crusade is printing a massive amount of literature for Russia. I should get them in about thee weeks.
By the way, the bus temperature upstairs today was 45 degrees. I am melting very slowly.
Wednesday 28th of July 2010 08:23:54 PM

A day of not doing very much.
This afternoon I went into the woods around the town of Posio collecting cloudberrys,
A delicacy that is found in the far north. They grow in marshy ground and are a very delicate flavour but with far too many seeds in them for my liking. They really get under your false teeth.
The berries are gold in colour and resemble blackberries but grow on plants very similar to strawberries and with the same shape of leaf. Normally made into jam or jelly but I have tasted Cloudberry Ice Cream. A favourite with meat instead of mint sauce.
Still awaiating the return of Timo from Russia.
Sunday 25th of July 2010 10:23:07 PM

I mentioned on my last entry that the Russian border was causing a few problems.
I had a call from Timo this afternoon. He was stopped as he went into Russia for the usual border check.
They found three boxes of gospels and denied him entry. After a three hour wait he rang me to pray. I was able to contact a few friends worldwide and within fifteen minutes he was allowed to return to Finland.
The boxes of gospels were left at the Finnish border and our Man of God turned round and went into the forbidden land.
He reveals that he had a few dozen spare gospels with him and on entry he met a group of teenagers and got on with the job of witnessing to them. He gave each one a gospel and is still in Russia somewhere. He returns to Finland tomorrow.
Who needs Brother Clifford when men like Timo Suutari are preaching the word?
I had a busy day on the Arctic Circle catching up with my correspondence.(boring)
Saturday 24th of July 2010 08:24:44 PM

Tänään olen parkissa Rovaniemellä. Toimitin juuri viimeisen lastin kirjallisuutta tästä erästä.
112 laatikkoa on jätetty odottamaan vientiä pohjois-Venäjälle. Olen ajanut yli 3000 mailia (n. 4800 km)tämän matkan aikana ja olen kulkenut Suomen, lapin, Ruotsin ja Norjan kautta. Laatikot sisälsivät yhteensä yli 40 000 Johanneksen evankeliumia ja nyt ne on toimitettu kirkkoihin, kirpputoreille, yksityiskoteihin, missioiden päämajoihin ja lopuksi kauttaan joka korjaa autoja ja rekkojen renkaita.
Pyydän, rukoilkaa, että seuraava toimitus Pohjois-Irlannista saapuu pian ja ennenkuin lumet satavat. Olen kuullut, että Venäjän rajalla on kohdattu vaikeuksia, rukoilkaa, pyydän.

Saturday 24th of July 2010 10:00:54 AM

Tonight I am parked up in Rovaniemi having just completed the last delivery of this part of the work.
One hundred and twelve boxes have been dropped off awaiting couriers for Northern Russia. I have driven over three thousand miles during this part of the journey and have travelled through Finland, Lappland, Finmark, Sweden and Norway. The boxes contained a total of over forty one thousand gospels of John and have been delivered to Churches,second hand shops,private homes,Mission Headquarters and finally a shop that fits car and lorry tyres.
Please pray that the next delivery from Northern Ireland goes out as quickly and before the snow comes.
I am hearing that difficulties are being experienced on the Russian Border, Please Pray.
Friday 23rd of July 2010 06:29:49 PM

Dougien Dublinista lähettämään vastineeseen minulla on vain yksi vastaus: Katso ennalta asetettua tehtävää, mutta älä oskaan tuijota Jumalan antaman tehtävän suuruutta. Kaikki suuret matkat alkavat ensimmäisestä yksinkertaisesta askeleesta. Pyörätuolissa olevalle henkilölle yksikin askel näyttää liian paljolta. Katso Jumalaan, hän ohjaa sinun kulkuasi.

Puhuin juuri Kolarissa eräässä seurakunnassa. Pian bussi palaa Kuhmoon korjattavaksi ja sitten voin palata normaaliin työhöni.
Friday 23rd of July 2010 11:45:32 AM

In reply to Dougie from Dublin I have only one answer.
Look at the task set before you but never look at the size of the task God has given. All great journeys begin with just one simple step.
For a person in a wheelchair, one step seems far too much. Look to God and
"He will direct Your paths."
I have just spoken at the second hand clothes shop church in Kolari.Soon the bus will return to Kuhmo for repairs and then I can get back to my normal work.
Thursday 22nd of July 2010 08:43:29 PM

Käytettyjä kenkiä ja vaatteita sisältävä toimitus Kuhmon seurakunnalta on juuri toimitettu Utsjoen seurakunnalle.
Utsjoki on Suomen pohjoisin kaupunki. Kenkien ja vaatteiden lisäksi vein perille ison lastin Johanneksen evankeliumeita. Seurakunta toimittaa sen kaiken ihmisille Murmanskissa.
Siperian maan alainen seurakunta on pyytänyt miljoonaa evakeliumia. Olen välittänyt tietoa eteenpäin työni kannattajille, jotka tekevät kaikki painamista ja Suomeen toimittamista koskevat järjestelyt.
Seuraava pysähdys Ivalossa huomenna aamulla.

Tuesday 20th of July 2010 09:02:50 PM

A delivery of second hand shoes and clothing from the church in Kuhmo has just been made to the church in Utsjoki.
Utsjoki is the northernmost town in Finland. Along with these items a good consignment of John's Gospels have been left. The church will deliver everything to the people of Murmansk very soon.
The underground church in Siberia has requested a million gospels. I have passed on the information to my supplier who will be making all the arrangements for printing and delivery to Finland.
Next stop Ivalo, tomorrow morning.
Tuesday 20th of July 2010 05:55:03 PM

Anteeksi, että tilapäivitykseni ovat puuttuneet, mutten ole saanut yhteyttä verkkoon. Lähdin Kuhmosta torstaina ja vein ison erän lasten traktaatteja lähelle Oulua lasten evankelioinnin työhön. Ja sitten kiireellä Vaasaan tapaamaan ystäviä ennenkuin suuntasin taas askeleeni takaisin pohjoiselle napapiirille.
Sunnuntai-aamuna puhuin Kemijärven helluntaiseurakunnassa ja jätin venäjän kielisiä evankeliumeita heille ja myös Saanan helluntaiseurakuntaan.
Ajoin koko päivän ja saavuin Suomen huipulle tänä aamuna vieden evankeliumeita ja sitten sata mailia ajamista Norjaan, ennenkuin taas palasin Suomeen. Lisää evankeliumeiden levittämistä huomenna. Bussiin on tullut vesi- ja öljyvuoto, joten minun täytyy palata Kuhmoon korjuuttamaan sitä.
Todella hienoa, että lopultakin Heidi kääntää sivujani.
Maanantaina 19.7.2010 20:19

Monday 19th of July 2010 08:34:40 PM

Sorry for the lack of updates but I could not get a signal.
I left Kuhmo on thursday and dropped off a large consignment of childrem's tracts at Child Evangelism Fellowship near Oulu. Then it was a mad rush to Vaasa to meet up with friends before retracing my steps to the Arctic Circle.
Sunday morning I spke at Kamijarvi Pentecostal and left a cosignment of Russian Gospels for them and also for Saala Petecostal.
Drove all day and reached the top of Finland this morning and dropped off gospels, then a Hundred miles of driving in Norway before I returned to Finland.
More drops tomorrow. The bus has developed a water and oil leak so I must return to Kuhmo for repairs.
Itis really great that at last Heidi is translating for me.
Monday 19th of July 2010 08:19:18 PM

Taas eräs hyvin kuuma päivä Kuhmossa.
Menin vanhojen autojen näyttelyalueelle parkkeeraamaan tänään iltapäivällä, mutta osoittautui, että minulle oli annettu paikka, jossa ei ollut varjoa. Ei olisi ollut reilua pyytää tiimiä työskentelemään yli 40 asteen lämpötilassa, joten ajoin pois.
Bussi on nyt lastattu täyteen evankeliumeita lapin kirkkoja varten ja pian ne jatkavat matkaansa kohti pohjoista Venäjää.
Heidi on luvannut kääntää tämän sivun viestini suomen kielelle. Hän on kolmen adoptoidun lapsen lapseni äiti. Näyttää siltä, että minut on nyt adoptoitu myös hänen sijais-isäkseen. Elämä Suomessa menee kovin hämmentäväksi.

Another really hot day in Kuhmo.
I went to park up at the vintage car and lorry show this afternoon but was given a parking place without any shade. It would not have been fair to ask the team to work the weekend in temperatures exceeding 40 degrees so I drove away.
The bus is now fully loaded with gospels for the Lappland churches and soon they will be wending their way into Northern Russia.
Heidi has promised to translate my entries on this page into Soumi. She is the mother of three of my adopted grandchildren. It appears I have now been adopted as Her surrogate father. Life get's very confusing in Finland.
Thursday 15th of July 2010 10:16:46 PM
Friday 16th of July 2010 10:29:00 PM

Another really hot day in Kuhmo.
I went to park up at the vintage car and lorry show this afternoon but was given a parking place without any shade. It would not have been fair to ask the team to work the weekend in temperatures exceeding 40 degrees so I drove away.
The bus is now fully loaded with gospels for the Lappland churches and soon they will be wending their way into Northern Russia.
Heidi has promised to translate my entries on this page into Soumi. She is the mother of three of my adopted grandchildren. It appears I have now been adopted as Her surrogate father. Life get's very confusing in Finland.
Thursday 15th of July 2010 10:16:46 PM

Doctor Rob gave me a new thermometer that registers from minus 50 to plus 50 when I stayed with hin last week.
Today it registered plus 50 degrees in the bus and the temperature was still rising. ( It ain't half hot mum )
This evening I was singing and speaking at the International night at the church in Kuhmo. A great evening with contributions from a medical student from Nigeria who studies in Russia, a lady who works in New Guinea translating the New Testament. An evangelist from Israel and a group of musicians who travel with me to different towns.
A hot and busy day.
Wednesday 14th of July 2010 09:39:42 PM

A land of extremes.
Today the temperature in the bus was over forty degrees and outside it was not much cooler.
A good crowd joined me in the bus and seventeen delegates from Kuhmo joined the local pentecostal church for a day of outreach at the local market.
Two young men came for the first time and seemed to enjoy themselves as they listened to the gospel outreach. How I pray that they were challenged to follow Jesus.
Once again many boxes of Russian Gospel have been planted into a freash area.
Monday 12th of July 2010 10:14:26 PM

It is a thrill for me that the guest counter has now passed the one hundred thousand mark.
When the web site first hit the airwaves it was only getting around twenty hits a week and now it is in the hundreds. How I praise God that He sent The Web Master to help me to set up the site five years ago. He has been a true soldier of Christ as He keeps his finger on tne technical side of this mammoth project.
Today the team and I opened the bus to visitors for soup and a chat in Kuhmo, it was really successful.
Tomorrow is a day of answered prayer as the bus and team travel to the city of Nurmes to join up with the christians there. I have been praying for this opening for over two years.
Sunday 11th of July 2010 10:18:17 PM

The bus is now OK and driving.
A very busy day of bus testing and ministry but very positive. The last visitors left at 11pm and it was too late to go shopping.
Feeling very hungry but I will get some food tomorrow.
An order has come in from the Russian underground church for a million Gospels of John. Names etc must be kept secret but please pray that the printers will supply this desperate need. The bulk of the gospels are destined to Siberia and the very remote areas of Russia.
The printers have promised me 10 pallets of Gospels but another 25 pallets are needed to just keep up with the demand.
Finance is now a major problem. The bus repairs emptied my accounts and diesel is getting very low.
A new pictures page has now been made for photos of the Russian Outreach.
Saturday 10th of July 2010 01:11:00 AM

Back in Kuhmo and resident in the bus.
A few teething problems from the major overhaul still to iron out but I hope to be on the move by saturday. The clutch may need bleeding again but the engine seems ok.
The trip on Easy Jet was not good. I was charged a fortune for excess baggage at £10 a kilo. In Helsinki my case arrived broken and the luggage carousel was very revealing to everyone as my belongings spilled out everywhere. It was a brand new suitcase and it is now no use to me. The zip burst during the handling by the Easy Jet staff.
On board I met a charming lady and her two year old daughter and it was a very happy flight for me.
The temperature here is very high and I am once again living in a greenhouse.

Thursday 08th of July 2010 08:43:56 PM

A really great holiday in the UK meeting many friends.
I fly for Helsinki this afternoonabd arrive in Kuhmo tomorrow.
Finance is not yet in for the bus repair but I am CONFIDENT in the Lord.
Wednesday 07th of July 2010 11:13:43 AM

I have been staying with doctor Rob and doctor Sara for a couple of days. I leave here on wednesday to fly to Helsinki and arrive in Kuhmo on thursday afternoon.
It is good to be able to rest and sleep without being disturbed at all hours by the telephone etc.
I am really missing the people of Finland especially the children.
Monday 05th of July 2010 08:13:25 PM

A highly successful trip around Ireland meeting so many friends.
Finance is slowly coming in but it is really hard work.
I called to see the gospels being printed in Ireland and was truly amazed at the speed of producion.
Another consignment is being printed for delivery in August. 10 pallets of John, Mark and tracts will be delivered soon.
I return to Kuhmo on wednesday and hope the engine will be fitted by then and ready for the trip north.
Saturday 03rd of July 2010 09:48:24 AM

After a couple of days rest I am now on board ship and heading for Northern Ireland from Scotland.
It was good tostay with the Hailwood family and join them for a barbeque yesterday. Doctor Rob has loaned me a van for my time in the UK.
Please pray for Timo and his friends as they travel into Russia today. They are taking gospels to the White Sea area.
Monday 28th of June 2010 06:27:47 PM

Arrived in Manchester last night after a very tiring journey across Finland by bus and train and then onwards by aeroplane.
I was picked up at the airport by Doctor Rob who has put me up for the weekend and loaned me a van for a few days.
I leave for Ireland early in the week and pray that finance will come in.
I will update as computers become available to me.
Saturday 26th of June 2010 09:51:51 PM

The financial situation is not too good at the moment and causing concern.
I leave Kuhmo today for Helsinki and fly to the UK tomorrow.
I hope to meet up with a few of my friends and take a few days holiday as I hope to raise some funds for the bus repair and the future.
Please help .
Finance can be sent to Caleb Initiative or if in Finland the bank details are in one on the messages from " Timo " on Visitors Atrium.
Thursday 24th of June 2010 07:24:02 AM

The financial situation is not too good at the moment and causing concern.
I leave Kuhmo today for Helsinki and fly to the UK tomorrow.
I hope to meet up with a few of my friends and take a few days holiday as I hope to raise some funds for the bus repair and the future.
Please help .
Finance can be sent to Caleb Initiative or if in Finland the bank details are in one on the messages from " Timo " on Visitors Atrium.
Thursday 24th of June 2010 07:23:55 AM

The final diagnosis is horrific!!!!!!!!!!
A new engine is required because of the amount of damage to various components and the work will take two weeks. An engine has been found in Helsinki and the garage will go for it next monday after the Mid-Summer festival is over.
The cost will be around ten thousand euro's so finances are desperately needed.
I fly to Britain on friday to try and arrange the finances. The peculiar thing is the amount of peace I have at this time.
Please pray that the engine is the one we need and that people will read this and contribute.
Wednesday 23rd of June 2010 03:53:28 PM

It was supposed to be a fairly minor repair to the bus but things have changed.
The sump was removed this morning to check the engine.
The crankshaft is damaged, all 8 bearings need replacing. At least one piston needs replacing or repairing and the flywheel needs new teeth.
The estimate is around 6,000 to 8,000 Euro's.
The engine is now removed and the work will take at least a week.
Prayer is urgently required as the gospels for Russia need delivering.
A great and powerful prayer meeting at the Pentecostal Church tonight followed by prayer over the literature.
Tuesday 22nd of June 2010 08:24:24 PM

Thr trip to the rehab was a great success. Many turned up to listen to the gospel and once again the Russian work brought much excitement.
The bus is still causing concern. The starter motor is repaired but now there are engine problems.
The sump will be taken off tomorrow to check what is wrong.
The Russian literature has now arrived in Kuhmo.
120,000 Gospels of John. 10,000 Children's Tracts. A box of assorted tracts and colouring books. 48 sets of Childrens Sunday School Lessons using A3 Pictures. A dozen Bibles and also 20,000 childrens Tracts to be delivered by me to Child Evangelism Fellowship ( Finland )
Everyone is really excited about the generosity of Every Home Crusade who have supplied them.
Monday 21st of June 2010 05:22:26 PM

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